Community first
Our village is self-sustaining and we grow our own fruits and vegetables.
We started our community exchange a few years ago, starting with a little basket of lemons outside our old garage.
We work with talented local & independent artists and artisans to ensure our products are unique (vs. mass produced) without ever compromising on quality.

Investing in future generations
We also welcome children and animals by incorporating practical workshops for them (e.g. kids’ farming or meditation) and cultural events like art, concerts, dance, cooking.
It is important that children have practical knowledge and are able to think for themselves thus trusting their intuition more versus just accepting the general narrative. Future generations, future families are dependent on the children of today. And, conscious children become conscious adults and conscious parents, leading to a happier and healthier world.

Space to Decompress
Quality of life and depth of experience is our guiding light.
We are working with the top Feng Shui consultant in the world.
We will also employ BioGeometry engineers to harmonize the space from any harmful electro-magnetic frequencies that — as humans — we absorb on a daily basis.
SHE is the first in Portugal to take these steps.